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At a Glance

Respondents in both the work and volunteerism surveys identified three types of support/resources they needed to advance their work/volunteerism in physical literacy:

  • Understanding and support of concept
  • Tangible and easy information
  • Implementation

In the work survey, participants also wanted collaboration, while the volunteerism group wanted education.

Awareness of Physical Literacy

How aware of the concept of physical literacy are you?(1 - not aware, 100 = highly aware)





Understanding and Support of Concept

You told us that there is still a lack of understanding about physical literacy and that it is not valued as much as other literacies. Here’s a glimpse of what you told us…

“it is sometimes hard to advocate the term "physical literacy" as many people still do not understand it”

“Continue the messaging about how development of physical literacy can be integrated into an existing program or learning situation. Promote how it lays a strong foundation for many things performance, lifelong participation in physical activity etc.”

“Helping students grasp the importance of physical literacy and ensuring parents emphasize the importance of this at home.”

Physical Literacy is not seen as important as Literacy or Numeracy

Are there any programs/opportunities that develop
physical literacy in your work or volunteerism?


Work (teachers, paid coaches, recreation professionals)




Volunteers (community coaches, school volunteers)




Your Comments....

Tangible and Easy Information

You let us know that you need easy to understand and practical examples about physical literacy. While some respondents wanted checklists, others desire resources that have more depth and breadth. Here’s a glimpse of what you told us…

Tangible and Easy Information Comments
“More parent resources that are varied in explanation and details.”

“Resources directed at parents would be a great help, most resources are focused towards coaches/administrators/instructors and parents who are not in the field may not fully understand physical literacy.”
“Easy to understand and user friendly materials”

“Visuals checklists”
“Simplified definitions and messaging”

“More digestible/shareable resources for all ages!”


You told us that you want more information about how to go about operationalizing and implementing the concept of physical literacy. This theme varied from requests for support, funding, and practical ideas. Here’s a glimpse of what you told us…

Implementation Comments
“Continued access to online activities that are engaging for students of a variety of ages.”

“Equipment grants”
“Simple ideas to share with parents on websites and social media for things they can do for free - indoors and outdoors. ”

“Maybe short videos demonstrating activity ideas. Grants for upgrading outdoor infrastructure to encourage physical literacy. space and people willing to volunteer to do free programs.”
“We need more ideas on simple ways to bring physical literacy into our events.”

“Swimming is an important part of physical literacy, but many parents who are involved with other sports do not see it as a piece of the puzzle to help their child succeed in other areas of athletics”

Swimming is an important part of physical literacy.

Volunteerism - Education

Respondents in the volunteerism survey wanted more opportunities to become educated and knowledgeable about physical literacy. Here’s what you told us:

Volunteerism - Education Comments

“A teaching degree helps”
“Professional development opportunities targeted specifically to the fundamental movement patterns/skills within specific sports”

“Ways to support parent education... maybe a online module for parents similar to mandatory ones like Respect in Sport, etc”
“More education opportunities”, In-services on new methods

“Education of stakeholders”
“More training, more education”

Work - Collaboration

Respondents in the work survey had a desire to work with others and support each other to help their children/students/athletes become more physically literate. Here’s a glimpse of what you told us…

Work - Collaboration Comments
“More opportunities for dissemination and translation among academic and practitioner audiences”

“Others working in the field to support efforts”
“Help from the community (ex: refs, coaches, volunteers)”

“Guest presenters in a variety of activities.”
“PD opportunities for myself and teachers, I would like to see more public information for parents and caregivers”

“More time with Phys Ed colleagues”
“Fellow educators supporting the idea”

“It would be wonderful to know physical literacy specialists/experts in SK are and to have them willing to travel further north of Saskatoon to support communities further north. If they were able to come up north, facilitate physical literacy workshops/training/etc., that would be great.”


EducatorsCoachesRecreation LeadersParents

Partners in Physical Literacy

Brought to you by Physical Literacy Saskatchewan

We’re passionate individuals and organizations working together to promote, educate and support the development of Physical Literacy in Saskatchewan and beyond.

Coaches Association of Saskatchewan
Saskatchewan Parks and Recreation Association
University of Saskatchewan College of Kinesiology
University of Regina
Saskatchewan Physical Education Association