Recreation Leaders
“Recreation leaders provide opportunities for people of all ages and stages of life to pursue physical, social, intellectual creative and spiritual experiences that enhance individual and community wellbeing.”
Framework for Recreation in Canada
Do your part to make sure our kids have the building blocks they need to enjoy a lifetime of active leisure.
Physical literacy is a journey that begins when we give kids a chance to develop the skills, confidence and love of movement they need to be active for life.
A Recreation Leader's Role
Learn more about physical literacy and how to think about community design, program planning and use of open spaces through a physical literacy lens. Active for Life is a great place to start.
Developing physical literacy takes the combined efforts of many. Reach out to coaches, childcare providers, educators, parents, and others to see how you can work together to make physical literacy a priority for the kids you all care about.
- Make physical literacy a program outcome.
- Provide challenging spaces for kids to explore and take safe risks.
- Develop new programs that introduce kids to a wide range of experiences.
Help your participants, parents, league officials and others understand the importance of building physical literacy into programs. Download these tools to share in newsletters, social media and emails.
Saskatchewan in motion toolkit
Active for Life toolkit
ParticipACTION toolkit
Don't Forget to Play
In a Tim Horton’s commercial, Sidney Crosby and Nathan MacKinnon used puppies, farting goalie pads and a pinata to make hockey practice more fun.
It's a perfect way to increase confidence, competence and motivation and a great example of a physical literacy-enriched hockey practice!

The Results Are In!
Providing programs that work for everyone is a difficult feat.
Rec Leaders told us that they would like to see physical literacy with more inclusion in mind. Programs for immigrant families, those with disabilities, and for girls were some of the examples highlighted.
Check out the Survey Results here...Last Updated: 04-Jun-2021